A multimedia dictionary
to discover Agroecology
and build together a
shared language
by scale levels
The definition of the month
Integrated farming
Integrated farming is a form of agriculture aimed at minimizing the use of inputs from outside the farm… View Article
This online dictionary aims to help build a shared language around agroecology to allow the greatest number of people to understand the issues and practices. It already contains more than 150 definitions.
Agroecology on video
Images and videos make it easier to understand the definitions and include testimonials from scientists and agricultural professionals. Original and varied, more than 50 videos are already available!
Share knowledge and encourage commitment to the agroecological transition
in order to change practices.
Synthetic and reliable definitions, popularization videos, references for further reading: the dictionary of agroecology is a real tool for learning about agroecology. It can be used directly online by students, and also by teachers as a course support.
The educational project led by the dictionary team goes further. Several partnerships with schools and events around the dictionary involve students in writing definitions and making videos. Beyond raising awareness and training them, the objective is also to bring students to become actors of the agroecological transition.
Bringing together
the different actors
of agroecology
Agroecology is a topical subject with vague contours, sometimes controversial, and highly publicized in the media. Questioning the meaning of the terms used and providing clear and synthetic definitions validated by research is a major challenge in supporting the transition of production systems to agroecology. More than a simple dictionary, the dictionary of agroecology aims to promote exchanges between the different actors of agroecology through various actions and discussion forums. Scientists, students, teachers, agricultural actors and citizens: you are all invited to contribute!
public awareness
The dictionary of agroecology is an evolving and interactive tool designed to inform and raise awareness of the challenges of agroecology among a wide audience. Everyone can participate in its enrichment by commenting on the definitions or by suggesting other terms to be defined.
The terms defined in the dictionary are at the heart of current societal issues. Beyond the actors of the agricultural world, any person who is concerned about the quality of his food and his health can find sourced information. “Permaculture”, “biocontrol”, “resilience”, “sobriety”, “one health”, …: understanding these terms is also a way to understand how agroecology can provide concrete solutions to the double global food and environmental crisis.