Green and Blue Infrastructure
The Green and Blue Infrastructure (Trame Verte et Bleue in french) is a tool for preserving biodiversity which constitutes a lever for town and country planning identified by the Regional Ecological Coherence Schemes. The artificialization and fragmentation of natural habitats are among the main causes of the progressive erosion of biodiversity. In this context, the Ministry of Ecological and Inclusive Transition carries out major national projects, especially through the “Grenelle de l’Environnement”. The green and blue infrastructure was created in 2007 and introduced in 2009 in this Grenelle. It completes a set of tools at the service of the protection of natural spaces (national parks, marine natural parks, nature reserves, Natura 2000 networks).
The “green” infrastructure refers to natural and semi-natural terrestrial habitats and the “blue” infrastructure to aquatic systems and wetlands (rivers, ponds, peat bogs). The Green and Blue Infrastructure is a set of ecological continuities allowing the migration of species populations. It is made up of ecological corridors ensuring connections between reservoirs where biodiversity is the richest and best represented. These corridors can be linear elements (hedges, roadsides, grass strips) or various landscape structures.
By allowing the movement of species, the Green and Blue Infrastructure can be an asset in the context of an agro- ecological approach. It promotes the presence of many species (ladybirds, bees or dung beetles for examples) that provide valuable ecosystem services for farmers, such as biological control, pollination or recycling of organic matter.
References to explore
Green4grey project. 2016. What is blue/green infrastructure? Green and blue infrastructure for grey peri-urban landscapes. Consulted on 28 mars 2020.
Ministry of Ecology, Energy, Sustainable Development and the Sea. 2010. The Green and Blue Infrastructure in mainland France: challenges and experiences. 20 p. Consulted on 30 mars 2020.