Bioresources, or biological resources, are all the living-based matter that result directly or indirectly from photosynthesis. It refers to biomass, which designates all the biological material and biotic elements from the ecosystems such as plants, animals, micro-organisms or biowastes. They are a supply of matter or renewable energies that have a direct or indirect use for humans.
Bioresources are photosynthesis carbon products that are also restorable from this natural process. They can be a substitute to fossil energies. Thereby, they enable the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and limit the dependency to these highly polluting resources that are starting to run out.
The bioresource production covers the area of agriculture, forestry, aquaculture and fishery. The agricultural sector is an important bioresource supplier: manure, organic waste, crops and its residue. Bioresources are used for various purposes: nutrition (human or animal), energies (biofuel, heat, electricity), materials conception (bio-based materials) or organic fertilization.
All bioresource production and transformation activities define bioeconomy. This latter makes it possible to exploit and valorize biological resources in an efficient and sustainable way. It applies to a lot of areas such as food industry, health, chemistry, textile or construction.
Bioresources are high potential resources which lead to the reduction of carbon emissions by reusing them. They are thereby a part of sustainable development and circular economy approaches. Through their renewable and inexhaustible properties, bioresources are an interesting leverage for agroecological practices that partly aim to reduce the use of sensitive resources (pesticides, fossil energies…) by maximizing the use of natural processes and ecological services.
References to explore
Alok Satlewal, Reeta Goel, Govind K Garg. 2010. Industrially Useful Microbial Bioressources – Chap20. In : Industrial Exploitation of Microorganisms. I.K Intenational Publishing House Pvt. India. pp 390-405. Consulted 03/31/2020
Aoife A. Ryan, Mathias O. Senge. 2015. How green is green chemistry? Chlorophylls as a bioresource from biorefineries and their commercial potential in medicine and photovoltaics. Photochemical and photobiological sciences, 14(4): pp 638-660. doi: 10.1039/c4pp00435c.
Laurence Mabile, Raymond Dalgleish, Gudmundur A Thorisson, Mylène Deschênes, Robert Hewitt, Jane Carpenter, Elena Bravo, Mirella Filocamo, Pierre Antoine Gourraud, Jennifer R Harris, Paul Hofman, Francine Kauffmann, Maria Angeles Muñoz-Fernàndez, Markus Pasterk, Anne Cambon-Thomsen. 2013. Quantifying the use of bioresources for promoting their sharing in scientific research. GigaScience , Volume 2, Issue 1, Consulted 03/31/2020.
Mehrdad Arshadi. 2002. Energy from Renewable Resources (Bio-Energy). In: Renewable bioresources: Scope and modification for non-food applications. John Wiley and sons ltd. England. pp 105-137. Consulted 03/31/2020.
Paz, A.M. 2013. Biological Resources for Energy. Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences. Consulted 20/02/2020. ISBN : 978-0-12-409548-9.